Weblinx, Incorporated

Engineering Web Design

Some engineering firms treat their websites as little more than online brochures. They may figure that the majority of their business comes from referrals and proposals, so all they really need is to post a bit of introductory information online and leave it there. They treat engineering website design as an afterthought.

There may have been a time when that strategy worked, or at least was adequate. In today’s competitive engineering world, however, it’s not enough to simply “be there.” To compete with the other engineers out there you need a website that doesn’t just make you stand out, but actively helps you draw in new clientele and talent.

Working with our digital marketing specialists, your engineering firm will achieve the online identity it requires to be understood as professional, capable, and separate from the rest. Connect with us, and we will be happy to provide an estimate for your engineering firm.

Our Work

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The Best Engineering Websites

Based on our many years of work as a professional web design team, we want to help. Below you’ll find a handful of tips and tricks you can use to make your next engineering website design project a success.

Treat Credibility as Your Top Priority

Regardless of how someone comes across your engineering website, the first thing they have to see is that your firm is professional and competent. They need to get the impression you know exactly what you’re doing and can be trusted with what might be a complex and expensive project.

As straightforward as this idea is, it’s one that can easily be overlooked during the web design process. Because there are so many different options for colors, fonts, videos, animations, and so much more, it can be easy to miss the point.

In most cases you want to stick with a website layout that is traditional in terms of its appearance. Don’t go for a flashy design or choose unusual colors. Stick to fonts that are appropriate for a professional services firm. And take care to ensure that your website is free of typos and obvious grammatical errors. It may also help to upgrade your logo and/or employee photos.

All of these are small details, but they add up to something that is powerful and incredibly important. When your web design doesn’t look the way potential clients expect it to, then the seeds of doubt in your firm have already been planted. Give visitors the right first impression and you’ll find that every aspect of your business will become just a little bit easier.

Separate Yourself From the Competition

If establishing your credibility is your first priority, then job number two is to separate yourself from the competition. In this context that doesn’t necessarily mean emphasizing how much better you are than other engineering firms, but rather pointing out what you do differently.

For example, there may be certain types of projects you will take and others that you won’t. Or, it could be that you work in some geographic areas but not others. Perhaps you specialize in large-scale contracts or small operations. You might offer design build services or work as a subcontractor.

By making it clear what you will and won’t be able to help with, you accomplish a few different things. The first is that you make it easier for potential clients to understand your firm’s experience. The second is that you reduce the odds that you will be contacted about projects that aren’t a good fit for your firm, thus saving you and your team the time needed to prepare proposals that were never going to pan out. And finally, the third benefit is that you make it easier for Google and the other search engines to properly categorize your engineering website.

There isn’t anything wrong with showing off your strengths as an engineering firm. Just be sure that visitors to your website can understand exactly what you do first.

Make Usability a Strong Point of Your Engineering Website

Once you’ve chosen a layout and thought about the focus of your online presence, it’s time to think about the site map and structure. This will be the blueprint of your engineering website, to be filled in with content and images later.

There are two areas of particular concern. The first has to do with navigation. You want every page on your site to be easy to find, and with all major topics accessible via prominent menus. Just as a brick-and-mortar office needs obvious entry and exit points, so does your engineering website.

The second point of focus has to do with accessibility. To stick with the office metaphor, having wheelchair ramps would allow for more visitors to come and see you. Modern websites are built with the same considerations in mind, using standardized elements that allow for things like assisted navigation and text-to-speech capabilities.

Having a highly usable and highly accessible website is crucial for keeping up with modern browsers and search engine standards. It’s also a good way to keep visitors engaged with your content and coming back for repeat visits.

Share Case Studies With as Many Details as Possible

It’s one thing to mention your specialties, strengths, and capabilities on your engineering website; it’s another thing to have results speak for themselves. Case studies and client testimonials will do more to enhance your marketing and reputation than any amount of content ever could. So, you should emphasize these as strongly as you possibly can.

This may mean you have to research and write some new content. If so, make that a first priority. For one thing, you won’t want the launch of your new website to be delayed while you finish the steps. And for another, having to interview clients and build portfolios of completed projects can actually help you better understand why a new client should work with you.

Once you do have several finished case studies, flesh them out with as much detail as possible. Use photos, graphs, and pullout quotes. Make it clear to your web design partner that you want visitors to come across multiple descriptions of successful projects you and your team have completed.

The case studies you put on your engineering website could turn out to be the most valuable elements on the page. Think through which projects you could highlight and the best ways to include them.

Design a Sales Funnel That Brings in New Business

Many of our engineering web design clients aren’t focused on attracting new business through Google or LinkedIn. Many of them rely on referrals and proposals to generate revenue.

Even if you fall into the same category, we don’t want to make the mistake of ignoring the sales-focused aspects of your engineering website. That’s because a good sales funnel can help you streamline the process, or at the very least help you encounter less friction as you move from one phase of a proposal to the next.

Along with the basic information you include in your website – including the things that make your engineering firm different like bios for your team, or the case studies we’ve already mentioned – try to include some more intensive tools or guides. These should be materials that only a serious prospect would take the time to read and evaluate. Not only can these be left in your website, but they can also be offered to interested prospects who are beginning their research.

By including some PDFs or calculators, you can help separate those with serious interest from the ones who are simply collecting data. That means you can end up with better leads and spend less time following up on daily inquiries.

Don’t Forget That You Need More Than Clients

As important as it is to generate revenue, you may also need parts of your website to appeal to potential vendors or employees. In fact, this can be just as important, especially if you get a lot of referrals but have high turnover.

There are lots of ways to use your engineering website as a recruiting tool. You can post online job listings, highlight the skills that make your current team so great to work with, and even emphasize why your company is a great place to start or grow a career. You could even include photos of your office or staff outings.

It doesn’t take much work to incorporate these elements into your engineering website design, but they can go a long way toward helping you attract bright minds when you need them. An engineering company can’t function without engineers, so don’t forget that recruiting is just as important to the future of your business as sales and marketing.

Let Us Help You Design and Build the Engineering Website Your Firm Needs

Engineering webs design is like anything else: successful projects all begin with the right plan. At Weblinx, we take the time to learn about every client and project, and then find the right solutions to help them meet their goals, before we begin building a web presence.

If you’d like to know more about what we’ve done for other companies across America – including many leading engineering firms – then contact us today to schedule a free consultation. There is no obligation, and you just might come away with an entirely new perspective on what’s possible for your company.

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