Weblinx, Incorporated

User Experience

When potential clients contact us about strategy and user experience, they usually have ideas about what they want their website to look like, and what role it will fill in the organization. They will invariably begin by explaining that they want more incoming leads, or to generate additional revenue.

Strategy and User Personas

Organizations aren’t always sure about who is actually visiting and interacting with their website. Because we set up pages, calls to action, and even individual elements like fonts to appeal to a specific kind of buyer, we like to narrow in on personas as tightly as possible. Customer and visitor personas are a way to think about big groups of searchers, customers, and other interested parties in individual terms. We aggregate them into representative visitors who are easier to understand.

As an example, if you were a website design team like we are, you could have a persona you called “Brian.” Brian could be a business owner, and in his 50s, with around 20 employees. He has a website, but doesn’t rank well in Google or the other search engines and feels like his internet strategy is not as sharp as it could be.

This is just an example, but one that points to the need to have strong personas for each group of buyers or influencers involved in the decision-making process. The better you know them, the easier it is to set up your user experience and content for their needs.

Creating strong personas for your organization comes down to research and attention to detail. Knowing that you have these different audiences coming to your website, it’s important to structure your content and user experience in a way that appeals to each of them. For example, you could have technical specifications for one type of persona, and a PDF buying guide for another. Some personas might prefer offers that revolve around phone calls and in-person visits, while others might prefer to complete interactions online.

User Experience (UX) Design

Generating the perfect user experience starts with effective website planning. Internal links, search bars, and other usability tools are so important. You only get a few seconds before someone can become so frustrated with your website that they leave. When that happens, you’ve lost a potential sale (and maybe even a long-term customer) because your user experience and content flow was poorly planned.

It used to be that having a website that looked great was enough. Now, though, your closest competitors are only a click away, and there are lots of them. With that in mind, you can’t afford to have a website poor user experience– it’s just too easy for customers to take their time, attention, and money elsewhere.

If you aren’t sure your strategy is the right one, why not work with a professional team? Connect with the experienced creative minds at Weblinx at today so we can evaluate your current website and offer you some insights.
